Land Off Cromwell Lane
A draft allocation was secured for 240 dwellings within the designated Green Belt at Cromwell Lane, supported by a suite of representations and promotional documents submitted to Coventry City Council. An outline planning application was prepared and submitted in parallel with the commencement of the Examination in Public of the Local Plan. This demonstrated that the site is deliverable to help meet the city’s housing requirements and will be key to ensuring that the city can maintain a 5 year-housing land supply. Following the adoption of the Local Plan in December 2017, the land was removed from the Green Belt and the application for 240 dwellings was approved following planning committee in 2018. The application has been determined, planning permission achieved, and the land sold to one mainstream housebuilder.
The vision for the site provides the guiding principles upon which the masterplan is based. This is also informed by a detailed analysis of the constraints and opportunities afforded by the site and the wider policy requirements set out in the Local Plan.
We worked with the Council and key stakeholders to develop the vision for the site. A key element of this vision is the creation of an extensive woodland area along the western boundary of the site, as set out within Policy H2 of the Local Plan. This will help to create a defensible boundary with the surrounding Green Belt and provide the opportunity to re-create the Arden Parklands landscape which historically features within the local area.
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