Monarch Green
The Monarch Green site is located within Worcestershire on the western edge of Redditch. It is 136 hectares in size and sits across the administrative boundaries of Redditch Borough Council and Bromsgrove District Council. Following the adoption of the Bromsgrove Development Plan in February 2017, the site is now removed from the Green Belt and allocated for the residential led development of 2,800 dwellings.
A Hybrid Planning Application has been determined for up to 2,800 dwellings, primary school, mixed use local centre and new areas of public open space. Planning permission has been achieved and it is in the process of being sold to several mainstream housebuilders.
The detailed element incorporates the key access points and distributor road to enable development to proceed expediently, following the grant of permission. This will also ensure that the delivery of new housing can proceed in accordance with the trajectory within the emerging Bromsgrove District Plan and the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4.
The proposals for Monarch Green will deliver an attractive new garden neighbourhood that provides high quality new housing in a range of types and tenures, key facilities to benefit the new and existing community and over 50 hectares of multi-functional public open space.